Thursday, May 04, 2006

Panchadasi-Chapter 1-Verse 11

Hari Aum

Prostrations to my Guru. Prostrations to All.


abhaane na paraM prema bhaane na vishhaye spR^ihaa .
ato bhaane.apy abhaataa .asau paramaanandat aatmanaH .. 11..

If the Supreme bliss of the Self is not known, there cannot be the highest love for it. If it known, there cannot be attraction for worldly objects. So we say, this blissful nature of the Self, though revealed is not revealed.

Self is of the nature of Sat, Chit and Anandam. If this nature of the Self is not known then there cannot be the highest love for it. As the nature of the Self is not known, happiness is seeked in other objects of the world. If the Self is known then there cannot be love for any other worldly objects. The objects of the world are loved only for the sake of happiness of the Self. Since the objects are limited the objects cannot give eternal bliss. The Self is Eternal and hence that which is eternal alone can give eternal bliss. Thus when such eternal bliss is known by knowning ones own Self, then there will not be any love for the worldly objects.

It cannot be said that the Self is not known at all. If it is not known completely then there will not be any happiness at all even by the objects of the world. The Self is known but not known correctly because it is for the sake of happiness of the Self all that is desired. Thus we cannot say that the Self is completely not known. Therefore we can say that the Self is known yet not known. The real nature of the Self which is Bliss is not known. It is falsely imagined to be present in the worldly objects and hence always tries to seek the objects of the world. When the Blissful nature of the Self is known then this strive for the worldly objects will be stopped and hence one always rejoices in the Bliss of the Self.

Prostrations to all

Hari Aum



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